
The Truth About Smoking

It’s amazing that there’s a legal product that can be marketed so aggressively in our supposedly health-conscious country, about which it can be said “when used as directed, this product causes death…“

Think about it. How would you like to be able to market a product with virtually no quality control, containing dozens and dozens of poisonous ingredients, packaged with a pretty logo on the front, accompanied by a mandated warning under the brand-name (something to the effect that “this product has a likely chance of giving you lung cancer, shortening your life, dangerously lowering the birth weight of your baby, increasing your risk of heart attack and stroke“), and then how would you like to be able to charge $12 per pack in New York State (less at the Native American reservations,) which is a one day supply for the average user? And then you can be secure in the knowledge that despite all of the above you are ensured to be a steady, captive, customer for years, possibly decades to come?

There is not a in a million chance that such a product could be approved today, so how does this product possibly stray on the market, and why is it that the user of the product is the one who is judged so negatively? Why not the manufacturer, or the distributor, or the marketer that refuses to take this deadly product off the market?

Smokers can often judge themselves as weak or stupid when they cannot just quit a habit that is so catastrophically detrimental to their lives? Smokers need to recognize the conspiracy that is ongoing to attract new and youthful smokers. Through the use of clever marketing they attempt to addict them early in order to keep them as customers and victims as long as possible. This is clearly evident in vapes and e-cigarettes. They were actually introduced as a way to help people stop smoking, but in reality they do the opposite.


The Financial Cost of Smoking

NATIVE AMERICAN CIGARETTES , available at Native American reservations in New York State with a per pack price ranging from as little as $1 per pack to $4+ per pack, price range reflecting the poor quality level.

$2.50 per pack= $912.50 per year

$4.00 per pack= $1,460 per year

Limited brand names are available at the rez


$ 8.00 per pack= $2920 per year




$12.77 per pack= $4,661 per year