About Laser Solutions

Laser Solutions Treatment center uses the power and efficiency of low level laser technology to help you change your life. We have been doing treatments since 1999. The procedures are totally painless, effective and an inexpensive way to take back control of your life. There are no side effects; the low level laser is considered a non-significant risk device.

Treatments Available by Appointment

STOP SMOKING: the laser treatment goal is to block the physical cravings for, and withdrawal from, nicotine, which enable the smoker to kick the habit without misery.

   Most smokers just need one 30 minute treatment. There is a free

   booster retreatment available within the first six months if needed.

    Cost: $150

LOSE WEIGHT by controlling your appetite and suppressing your cravings.

The weight loss treatment involves three 45 minute treatments over a

  period of 3-6 weeks.

 Cost: $250 for all three treatments

Please call with questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment.

Thank you for your interest.     

-Chris Polito